Saturday, November 28, 2015

Not everyone will agree with you

Since my last post I am hoping some research has happened on your part. I have done a lot of research in putting families together, adding pictures, adding documents, etc.

Whenever I add or change something I strongly believe is correct I feel good about it- until someone emails me.

Recently, I was received an email from an old woman, I knew she was old because her picture was next to her email address and all I could see was large brass colored glasses with curly white hair. The glare on the glasses  prevented me from seeing her eyes.

This woman seemed upset with changes I had made to a certain ancestor born in 1650. She seemed so upset with me that it triggered that human response of "How dare she say that?' I wanted to send an equally negative email back to her but, I had the thought that maybe I should figure out the reason of her being upset (thank you to the Holy Ghost for that one).

After 20 minutes of emailing back and forth, I learned her emotional response were based off the journal entries written by the ancestor she had in her possession (very cool possession if you ask me). She emailed me a scanned copy asking me to upload them to FamilySearch for her, I obliged immediately.

My "strategy" for you is to take great care in your interactions with those you communicate with regarding the lives of  your ancestors. If someone disagrees with you, learn the root of the "disagreement" - see if they have documentation you don't have or if they knew the ancestor personally.

We were not put on this earth to complete His work all alone; learn from everyone you can. You may need to work together to discover your ancestors.